Vacation Bible School Recap

This year's VBS was definitely "Monumental," as we celebrated God's greatness as we looked at the world around us.

After COVID, this year’s theme was even more beneficial to everyone involved no matter the age. God took us to the southwest, where we learned all about the desert: it's animals, it's dryness, it’s waterfalls, and it's beauty. The theme, Celebrating God’s Greatness, was perfect as this year we learned all about Joseph's story.

We learned how his story pertained to ours and how, even when things don't go our way, God is still good and He is still great. Joseph showed us that, even in Bible times, siblings didn’t always get along and how, just like today, they could make bad choices and do hurtful things. We also learned how sometimes other people’s actions and decisions can sometimes affect our lives in ways that are unfair and we have no control over, but to trust God no matter what.

We got to meet Pharaoh (Michael Parry) on Wednesday and Jesus (Steven Young) on Thursday. Pharaoh taught us that sometimes help comes from unexpected places and Jesus showed us how His love can never be stopped as we watched a unplugged light bulb light up with just the touch of His hand. We ended the week with a lesson on forgiveness as we learned that Joseph forgave his brothers for their mistakes years before.

We had 69 campers, 28 youth volunteers, 24 adult volunteers, plus many more in the background, and nine CIT’s (Counselors in Training). This was the largest group of CIT's that we have ever had. This year’s CIT’s were 5 years old when I started here at RRUMC. It was incredible to look back and see how much they have grown. We also raised over $500 dollars for Operation Kid 2 Kid and, with your help, were able to send over $2000 all together!

This is why I want to take time to say thank you! Thank you to all our church family that had anything to do with VBS this year.

Thank you for your donations, your time, your love, and your prayers to make Vacation Bible School what it is. Without your love and support, VBS would not continue to be what it is. I also want to take a minute and say thank you to Nathan Wiggers for the incredible job on the main stage set design. You continue to bring a wow each and every year.

God truly showed his greatness this year in so many incredible ways. Get ready to blast off next year as we go into space, with “Steller: Shine Jesus’ Light!” Thank you for already shining Jesus’ light. ‘Til next year!

Keep Shining, Quinn