
The Worst Thing Is Never the Last Thing

"John: Gospel of Light and Life" Series

April 16th, 2017 - Easter

Reverend Dan is preaching.
John 20:1-18

Isn’t it strange that we call the day that Jesus was crucified “Good Friday?”  

From the perspective of someone who knows nothing about Jesus Christ there was nothing at all good about Good Friday.  It seemed to be a defeat for all those who follow Christ.  The difference is that those who believe in Jesus Christ see the world differently.  We see the world and all that it brings us through resurrection eyes.  Jesus gave us the ability to see past the cross of Good Friday and right on to the power of the empty tomb.  We are an empty tomb people.  The worst thing that could have happened was for Jesus to be crucified.  However, the worst thing is never the last thing.  The same is true for all those who follow Jesus.  No matter what your “worst” thing is, because of the empty tomb, it is never the last thing.  Don’t get stuck on Good Friday when Easter is waiting for you around the corner.