How God is Moving In Twice Blessed Free Store

by Craig W. Cowles, TBFS Manager

On the last Saturday of January 2019, a new shopper came to Twice Blessed Free Store looking for clothes and household items for her family.

She was greeted, received a ticket, registered her family, received information on how our shopping process works, had a cup of coffee, participated in worship, and waited patiently for her number to be called after the announcements.

This in itself is not newsworthy; TBFS averages 9 new shopping families every Saturday we are open. What happened throughout the rest of her shopping experience is a God moment!

After she entered the Free Store, it became quickly apparent to a regular shopper-volunteer who was helping her that I should chat with the new shopper. She initially asked me a question about the bedsheets but that quickly became an opportunity for her to tell me how grateful she was for TBFS helping her family. I smiled, said thank you, and told her that we were there to help show people the love and generosity of Christ in the midst of their stories. I then went on to do other things.

After she finished shopping, I was upstairs and heard that she wanted to chat again before she left. I came down to see her near the exit doors.

She began to tell me her story of how her family recently came to be in need. The details are not important, but she kept on saying throughout how astounded she was of the generosity shown to her by TBFS volunteers and everyone else that morning.

Before she left, she gave me a huge hug. For the rest of the day, I was floating on air and amazed at the power of God doing everyday miracles in our lives.

Have a blessed day and thank you for being God’s instruments to make these miracles possible for so many families!