A Legacy of Blessings

by Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

Through our church membership, each of us shares our time, talent, and treasure as we help people find Jesus Christ in the midst of their story.

Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

Lisa Sierk, Director of Endowment Ministries

Over the decades, that pledge of giving in response to God’s abundant gifts has taken the form of service, worship attendance, participation in specific ministries, annual pledges, special gifts in the offering plate, mission trips, food drives, and much more.

These traditional gifts are beautiful expressions of faith, and generosity, and love and have a shared characteristic - they all happen NOW.

As we focus on today, we often wonder, “What about the future?” God’s future is ripe with possibility and a legacy gift to the church can make a world of difference.

I welcome the opportunity to meet with you and learn more about your experience at RRUMC and how you meet Jesus Christ in the midst of your story.

Please reach out to me at LSierk@rrumc.org or 216.926.1702 (mobile - call or text).

I look forward to hearing from you!
- Lisa